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 Hand GUn & Long Gun COURSE

"Fast is fine, but accuracy is Final.

You have to learn to be slow in a hurry.

                                             - Wyatt Earp

Handgun Operation fundamentals and familiarization        (4-6 Students Approx. 3-4 hours) 


This course is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and operation of a semi-automatic handgun.  This course includes a multi-media classroom presentation and brief In-Door range time. Students will learn the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; handgun nomenclature; ammunition types; shooting fundamentals; handgun maintenance; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive upon successful course completion a certificate of attendance.  This class exceeds what is currently required by New York State for obtaining a New York State Pistol permit.


Handgun & Long Gun Operation under duress                    (4-6 students Approx. 8 hours)     


The course goal is to teach & expose the student to operating their weapon system (Handgun & Long Gun) while under duress. The student should be able to operate better under duress after attending this course then they did prior to the training.  The student will engage various types of targets (Stationary & 3D & Role Player(s)) from various shooting positions at various ranges while executing combative strikes to transition to their weapon system. The shooting environment is conducted in both an In-Door and outdoor setting.  Official and verifiable documentation of a firearms safety course, such as the above-mentioned course is a pre-requisite to attend this advanced course.  The weapon system(s) used by the participant(s) are compliant with current New York State firearms and ammunition laws. During the course of training, there will be, time permitting, “Force on Force” scenarios in-which Simunitions (marking cartridges) or Air Soft will be utilized by both students and Role Players. ​

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