B.X.T. This Stress Inoculation “Force-on-Force” Scenario Combative training program is a constantly evolving program, developed from Mr. Bailie’s experiences during his law enforcement and force protection career as well as other fellow Professional Sheepdogs he works alongside with.
Safety is priority one in all our scenarios. We utilize various props, training modifiers, and visual effects for a safe, engaging and memorable scenario-based "Force on Force" training environment. Scenarios can be catered to the client’s mission objective, operating environment, and or theater dictates. We are proud to say our Role Players and students will be utilizing Spartan Training Gear.
Our Mobil Training Unit is available upon request for those clients wishing to have the training at their Department/Agency. Our Sheepdog Training Center (the STC) is located in a discreet location, which is out of the public eye. We can supply all necessary training aids for each training iteration if warranted in an "All-Inclusive" training package price. The facility has a large matted combative area and the ability to utilize vehicles in the training area along with the ability to set up various structural mock-ups for added realism during such sessions.